Embracing Grace Everyday, Art Journal, 2013-2015. This is my large size journal (9x12). I primarily work on this one at home in my studio (I always keep a smaller one in my bag). I have also used it to demo in during my art journaling classes then I rework the pages later. Mostly, this journal is about supporting my daughter's recovery from serious, life-threatening illness as well as coping with my own chronic pain due to fibromyalgia. I take lots of walks in places of nature to renew my spirit, which informs my experience. I developed a personal practice during this time, of finding beauty in the moment no matter what other challenge I needed to endure or push through. Developing and strengthening that skill got me through quite a lot in these years and is reflected in this book. There are a number of pages here that are still works in progress. Even after scanning in the pages I thought were complete, I noticed more that I could add. Funny how that happens. [click on the arrows below to scroll through the slides]
Art Journal, Small, 2012-2015. This is the art journal that I can throw in my bag or purse and take with me wherever I go. I have worked on this one in small chunks of time waiting for someone, at the beach, in the woods, while hiking, at a coffee shop, in my car, and occasionally at home.